Intro To Urbankiz Saida


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  • The urbanized follower's saida is still your standard 5 steps.
  • The UKS involves more intricate footwork for the leaders mostly on their right foot, though the left foot is also involved to continue to create space for the follower to walk forward.
  • During the intricate footwork for the leader, it's important to keep the frame relaxed to not accidentally communicate any stops to the follower.
  • It will also be important for the leader to have nimble enough footwork to use the touch steps on the leader's right foot to push the leader's left foot back.
  • The follower's footwork between the 2nd and 3rd step will be really focused on their axis and this is where the bevel step can be done.
  • The 4.FS will be a larger than normal step to re-enter into the original lanes of the partnership.
  • Good saida variations to practice for practice are the 53s, 180s, and 186s.

Leader's Footwork:

  1. Left Foot: Forward Half Step
  2. Right Foot: Side Touch Step
  3. Right Foot: Forward Touch Step
  4. Right Foot: Backward Whole Step
  5. Left Foot: Backward Half Step (Marka)

Follower's Footwork:

  1. Right Foot: Backward Half Step
  2. Left Foot: Opening Side Step
  3. Right Foot: Collecting Bevel Step
  4. Left Foot: Re-entering Forward Step
  5. Right Foot: Forward Half Step (Marka

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