Through the hundreds of private lessons I've been blessed to able to give to followers over the years, the mental awareness space (not sure if this is the best term) a follower can achieve to become a high-level and proficient follower is really quite phenomenal.
I'm thinking of these potential mental spaces to be aware of at any given time for a follower, and also for a leader to be empathetically aware of what they are creating and how their moves being lead translates to the mental spaces for the follower:
The more I become aware of what followers have to juggle mentally and physically to be able to understand and follow all kinds of movements, intentions, musical patterns, AND MORE; when I hear stories of clueless instructors telling followers to "just follow" in class, it's just WOW.
I hope this post inspires instructors to never use the term "just follow" in any partner dance, and help other instructors level up their teaching skills to level up their awareness of both roles. I also hope it empowers students who take classes to ask more questions in dance classes and lessons. I love getting asked questions that challenge my understanding of what it is I'm trying to teach.
I'm curious to hear other ideas and experiences before creating more pieces of content around this idea!
P.S. This stroke of inspiration hit me while I was editing a video for my membership site Learntokiz and listening to Sarah breakdown some of this awareness down for the followers. I also hope it inspires her to continue to have the courage to have a voice in if I unintentionally overlook something we are teaching in our future recordings.